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1:36 Jeff asking Natasha about her hula hoop act- why is it also a clown act? Natasha - bringing her own personality to it- also if she makes a mistake - it can be funny. Jeff asks Natasha to make her act entrance- Natasha acts it out.
Joel - Natasha very skilled- so can mess with it- make it seem she's less skilled, as a clown, the apparatus is your master, not vice-versa as for a straight acrobatic act.
Steve (audience): Emmett Kelley + Felix Adles - what made them so funny?
Kelley- tramp clown Robin: Kelley most famous clown of his generation because of television - "sweeping up spotlight" act. - Jeff stands and describes | acts out Kelley's act - Robin - Kelley not well-respected among clowns; but Otto Griebler - same act - considered to be better clown. Felix Adler- well respected among clowns, but not known, not on tv.. Jeff: picture of Otto Griebler.
1:44 Robin: as clown ages - lose skills - great thing about clowning - can learn something + put in show immegiately ("Legos") ("Lincoln Logs") - Robin aged 64 years and still employed as clown - unlike other acts that people age out of.
Jeff on mic: Robin. suggesting that clowns will outlive (working life) other types of circus performers-  but need new generation of clowns.
Karen: talking about wear + tear on body of being regular performer w/ Ringling - talking about doing clown act on a highwire. Also rode an elephant - Kim Hawkins interjects + Jeff introduces her - back to Karen describing wear + tear - exhaustion after 8 years- also wanted to longer clown shows.
Jeff frustrating to just do short transitions in circus, Joel said new circus aesthetic re: being who you are
1:54 Joel: we don't have animals, so have to do a lot more to make up for that - imagination is biggest tool he has - creating short transition acts.
Jeff reintroduces everyone - (clapping) gives upcoming program