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Steve continues store re: Chuck Jones. Jeff- what's funny to audience? - Chaplin (audience member talking about Chaplin)
Steve Smith demonstrating with audience member (Thomas); Steve describing routine, leading Thomas through it (clapping)
3:25 Jeff speaking about routine, Steve narrating routine again + acting out w/ Thomas
Jeff: routine bring built as if Steve drawing parts of it.
Steve and Thomas do routine (clapping). Steve: speaking re: drumming rudiments - physical comedy the same- have to learn basics first. Clearer the line of a movement, the more it translates- ... (clapping)
Jeff again: question from audience - about role in Big Apple Circus - Singing of "Happy Birthday" for Barry Ludin (Big Apple Circus)-(not present). Jeff asking audience what they find funny - animals/pets- why funny? The 3 Stooges -perfect timing - Jeff brings up audience member (Carl)  to demonstrate slapstick timing -"slapping" + "eye poke" (clapping). Jeff intros Kim Hawkins, and asks panel to say what they find funny: Kim: creativeness when things go wrong, describes one of her routines around that idea. How we try to maintain our dignity.
3:39 Bob: dialogue - Burns + Allen routines - he loves groans, not laughs. 
Teresa: her husband; the absurd, unexpected. Talks about "Junior Joeys" - (young clowns in training)
Joey a word for a clown, from Joe Grimaldi
Jeff: shows picture of Joseph Grimaldi - famous 19th Century English clown in pantomines.
Steve: precision is necessary doing physical comedy at a high level; just watching people is funny. Watching human beings being human. Element of play - set based on Mousetrap game.
Jeff: introduces Mark Jaster + Sabrina Mandell - what is funny?
3:47 Mark: Surprise - interruption in a pattern. the Law of Three - establish a pattern, break it at #3 (Status
Sabrina: Status very important- helps everyone relate (Mark + Sabrina Stand and demonstrate) Mark talking about status while Sabrina acts/interject (clapping)
Kim: BusterKeaton - demeanor (Sabrina interjects) Mark Laurel + Hardy - status duo (clapping)
Jeff: asks for questions, intros Robin Urich
"funny as kids?" - Jeff asks the panel. Use pain as humor - Jeff.
end (clapping)