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1989 collapse of soviet union didnt need visa to leave
Russia, no restriction. First circus performer to sign
contract w big apple circus. Stayed in US because of 2 year contract. Traveled from Europe & U.S. Dual citizenship. 
Foreign talent will be affected by the new administration
very expensive for visa, can not afford to pay people to come to this country. 200 jobs had to be cut, because of not enough money to pay expensive visas. Big Apple circus reopening. 
Circus Nikolene in Russia, asking why did
Big Apple circus close.  Best circus in the world.
American Performers going to Europe. opportunity
not as great.
Circus school, youth circus, do it for fun. Some
of them will continue on professional path.
school started in 1974.  New schools popping 
up. Pal Border [[?]] discovered one ring circus in
Frances. Gil. Abert. cirque du soleil were street
performers. Travel all over the world.  Circus
movement, huge movement in SF, 5 different
schools.  Helps kids work together, discipline.
Pros need more training, no fulltime professional school.