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In Europe - people [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] knew who were the best circus performers: Clown - later backstage. Passion, can't quit 
Sara - Circus is Immersion. Father took [[strikethrough]] father [[/strikethrough]] to Ringling Bros_
Chapman can was cut. Sarasota - father had bar circus friends.
College - finishing school/got fat eating ham. Had a trapeeze act _ [[strikethrough]] So [[/strikethrough]] Became clown - got married - not good student. degree is in Hunanistic Studies - U Wirc
Outin 1979 w/fibromalgia - Reinvent - presentations, etc.
Niennath - Inst - 19, late 60s - hitchking in England to find a clown to apprentice with_ Tented circus - clown
Thrown in right away - trial by fire - hazing - animal - camel - threw him on top of camel had to grab trapeeze bar to escape 2nd time → need hitchhike [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] in Europe - Copenhagen circus bldg - 2000 seat bldg - vowed to get there in 20 years - 
Clown - see Director. Clown sick needed help Do mime - Told Anna stayed 3 years! Very diffeint now - with net etc. I tell them - Show up! [[strikethrough]] Aerialist. [[/strikethrough]]

Panova - youth circus/small clown/small circus. only Saw on TV. First time live - in Moscow. 4 years school _2 teachers - aerialist/elephant trainer. [[strikethrough]] tried [[/strikethrough]] Learned books/methods for trapeeze - learned w/teachers. She could [[strikethrough]] do [[/strikethrough]] invent new [[strikethrough]] Sequinces [[/strikethrough]] swinging trapeeze and rides. In Russia_ 70 circus bldg after school - sent to a circus - 3 months - 6 months staye a li. When Soviet Union collapse - able to get own contract. able to leave Russia. 1989 one of first who signed to/ Big Apple Circu
Juartee - Circus contracts - one - two years - Panova - lived in NY but most of work in Europe
Merman - other thought it was a whim and not an real job. Named circus- Circus Schmerkus.
Panova - Parents - in Russia - highly respected - ballet, circus, etc. Very happy.
Chapman - Parents would have liked me to have own equip [[strikethrough]] own [[/strikethrough]] but husband wanted to be all around, plus production act 
Juarte - Parents - Father a movie producer, knew circus people. 
Circus "gypsies" father ok w/it, Mother aristocrat - didn't like it
Theater - took some interest but then back to clowning. 50+ years in circ
Q - Ringling - B & B close a shock - a shadow that disappeared - will allow other circuses to grow thrive Only in US an issrue. Comfort food a/American interest all generations peoples. 10-15 years ago mistake try ought be 
Juarne/Chapman - married. Met in Paris, came to Big Apple.
Merman - work w/nonprofits everywhere raise funding - they do PR, publicity, fundraising
Performers - get bookings through agents schmoozing
Today - young people leave circus school and furn own circus last a few years. Better to go sow circus in Europe - made connections -