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Majority of performers in US are from abroad. Russia circus schools 
Europe- circus families tradition- Takes years to perfect 
Not in US DNA to do it - many years not much money (satire for ballet) Hard to find US acts, more work in Europe. 
Switzerland has best circus in world and 20 other circuses in that small country.

[[strikethrough]]Dif[[/strikethrough]] Why 3-ring in US-only in US, not Europe. US wanted bigger show-to fill [[strikethrough]] the[[strikethrough]] need for acts to fill bigger stadium 
influx of US performers. 
Europe - circus is in buildings
One ring - but also had competed w/US. 
Q. Professional musicians? Large circuses use orchestras. Smaller - not as many used canned music. Some performer base their act on specific music and bands cant always produce it - so use recordings - higher quality.
Duarte-Long answer re why Ringling Bros and B&B failed money. not profitable - moved away from tradition to new ideas didn't work. TV screens went back to tradition but they kept experimenting. Animal activist an issue  too magority of people do want to see animals. When RBB dropped elephants, ticket sales dropped.
Duarte-Clowns in Europe/one-ring-use language, not as much makeup - slower.
US - arenas so big makeup-faster.

Observation-single ring US 3 ring-much more moving because can see every muscle