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-You never grab a person by the neck; grab the collarbone (Only 8lbs of pressure can break the larynx)
-In mime, you establish a wall. You touch the affected area so the audience knows where you got hit.
-Steps cannot be improvised. You must know what you are doing!
Construction gag-using board
to understand clowning & acrobatics, you need to understand anatomy. Know what to protect & how.
Kim Hawkins-classic Ringling skit bride and groom with "((?)) urg."
In comedy, it's not the prop it's how you play the prop!
Emmett Kelly and Otto Grebling were tramp clowns. The same became more famous because he got an agent
Some developments in clowning have to do with fashion & materials (e.g., hula hoops)
Some aerialists become clowns after being injured.
Clowning can live in many environments where it hasn't been before. E.g., hospitals, refugee camps
How do you find your "true clown"? (Robin) Depends on the circumstances. (Kim) what's in your heart decides that there is vulnerability involved