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(11. Onion, parsley, bread crumbs
-canola oil! (better) olive oil burns easily 
Peanut butter Jelly; fruits
12. Meals can be done in an hour; [[strikethrough]] P [[/strikethrough]] practical!
13. making food w/ colorful veggies; more fun and more healthy!
14. Veggetarians are welcomed!
food (15. Meatballs not made all the way to then put in the cheddar soup
16. Fundamentals of setting up & taking down, etc. good for communication & developmental learning
food (17. draining out oil
18. Smaller circuses=smaller kitchen, but good bonding, lower budget, & local foods
19. Potatoes (Boiled) w/ peas
20. Experienced circus cooks are not afraid to try new things
plus being a mom in a circus helps in a youth circus
21. (school bus cookhouse) "feed emotions & hearts of children in circus" (Wenatchee is in middle of Washington st.)
22. Serving to circus: huge pans, etc.
23. Cereal treats (parents donate cereal to circus)
24. Serves family style!
25. Meals have to be on time!