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Dear community,

Circus skills equate to life skills. 

Jonathan tells [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] story describes - apartheid in S Africa & many people of all colors & backgrounds [[strikethrough]] went into [[/strikethrough]] left South Africa - many circus artists who moved to many parts of the [[strikethough]] wa [[/strikethrough]] world. Brent Van Renberg - [[strikethrough]] grew up [[/strikethrough]] &

Rudlerge Stevens & Pedro Reis - [[strikethrough]] both [[/strikethrough]] all 3 came out of YMCA program in Cape Foron. Brent worked for major groups in US - ended up at Club Med teaching circus. Found even if not processional circus performer, circus is important. 
1992 - he & his wife went back to South of Africa - started program Dear to Dream - transformed [[strikethrough]] set [[/strikethrough]] into a program into Zip Zap Circus - that people w/ different backgrounds could still be a family & opportunity for young people to engage w/ people they may not have opportunity to - Zip Zap Circus - innovation some of ideas of circus as a tool to bring people together - conflict managed people w/ special needs. Do things you never thought would do. movement for circus as a means [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] of transformation. US affiliated Zip Zap Circus USA Inc.
All acts can realize can face challenges together - step o utside of lens. Partner acrobats/trust/
Youth Development - body patterns, executive for change - not how well doing but how long - ↑ gray matter.
Cirque de Monde - branch of Cirque de Soleil.
Question about women & strengths
Amy Christan - organization - program att women of [[strikethrough]] programs, [[/strikethrough]] different types & orientation.
"Woman Circus" about women circus in Australia.
Dance group = "Lava" in prophey & Volcan" [[strikethrough]] circus amo [[/strikethrough]]
Animals - puppets - many times make animal puppets. Bringing animals into social circus has been difficult.
Idea of community - animal we are.
Resume of Audience - Zip Zap kids performed at Nelson Mandela birthday because show what possible.