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Dolly-in-sarasota-Ringling came in 1927-then followed with their artist-1950-so many children in school system. Sailor, Great Y Circus, YMCA after school
?-recent ploifaration of circus schools in West - vs. Traveling circus dying?

Robert- Circus is flourishing. [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]]schools. young people want to learn - heading towards traveling circus w/ kids. we are successful for 30 yrs - .envision sm circus traveling tents (750-800) in each [[strikethrough]] reagon[[/strikethrough]]region of country to learn hard work of European traveling circus.

Dolly- magical about a tent.
?curriculum of circus school $ and time
Dolly- each different, but for sailor school, 4th->12th grade no set fee- sliding scale summer camp 700 kids each summer, adult classes, Training on weekends-

Amy- recreation vs professional as goal. rec $10-65 per hour- location dictates cost and how they function - yes many here sliding scale 
Prof. side -> 2-4 yr program, in US there are a few, no degree by vocation (smirkos)-> work ethic, hardwork, sarasota too.

Dolly - used to be generational gift w/in families. but now it's a folk art. Passing from one generation to next w/ our immediate family link - gift is to pass on the gift of knowledge

Robert - never was educated in circus, apprenticed instead. Circus people like to pass on skills to those that want to learn. Families encourage after testing you to see what it takes. when young people ask- learn skills- insturament dance, then go find a circus and inquire- 

?comedy & animals? then and now
Dolly- "then"- on Ringling Gunther Gables Williams- w/his animals more then family- animals started as an opportunity to see them-

Robert "Now" Ive had animals, we should not be segregated - circen animal trainers should be excluded from circus - shoomen - Tightrope walking boa constrictor. 15 mins- intermission-

Amy - young people who are finding circus- but no school now then educate w/animals logistical->circus. diminish $ laws in each state - very hard for traveling circus.

Robert domesticated vs. exotic - human animal communication through mime
? 60 minutes- mistrened, lion, tiger->fear-> mistrea? not the panel- 
?-European style vs US circus, and how is it taught

Dolly - Russian safty mechanic but not here- china-look at body shame

Robert- music w/ European clown, but not here- while its universal so regardless of style its still circus- clown in Europe respected as artist. Should know walk wire, play insturment etc so you can make pariodys- no language need

Amy- resource Fed European circus Schools- Fed of worldwide circus developed curriculumn- one week for each disipline agreed upon - EU of circus-
Tech & training agreement- look at esthetic and know where they were schooled
Visual language of circus diversity of learning

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