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11:15: Dance demonstration continue. Mostly consists of tapping feet against floor + flapping arms - "vaela"
11:16 - Song begins w/ vocalists. [Man in a white shirt + man in dive [?] shirt]
11:19 - Song ends. Martha introduces Nobuteo Miyamoto + Japanese-america portion of band. Dancers continue improvised dancing.
11:21 - Nobuteo introduces Japanese dance to be taught -> used at a traditional Japanese-american festival. Dancers lean in circle on dance floor. 
11:23 - Song begins + dance continues (music being played was pre-recorded. Nobuteo calls dance steps.
11:29 - New dance taught for "Motainai" meaning No Waste
11:31 - Song begins with band joining while dance continues in a circle
11:33 - Vocalists join in and full band playing together
11:38 - The group begins their last song: a fusion of styles showcasing the traditions of Japanese and Chicano music. The song is titled FandangObon.
11:41 - The song ends.