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- Most of his poetry happens in Basque (as opposed to Eng. Span or a combination)
- Being Basque is always in his heart
Topics of poems are always improvised & can be on any topic.
Love, Religion, things that have a lot of meaning.
Political topics, what will happen tomorrow based on what he sees & hears today.
Another example of his singing poetry [live demo]
Distinguishing traits of Basque poetry = (other than in Basque language).
It's improvised and sung.
other examples of daily life topics
In San Fransisco there's a big audience for his poetry.
- Bakersfield
- Chino
Not many Basque poets write poetry/songs in Spanish.
1 published Book of his poetry; poetry doesn't pay well has a day job fixing cars.
- google, Twitter
- Example of poetry:
[Live Demo]
- Discussion of his creative process
Another example of poetry
- Discussion of bertsolaritza poetry amongst younger generations
- Example of poetry [Live Demo]
Dedicated to Basques in America and Basque Country