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June 29-July 4; July 7-10, 2016 
Log Sheet # 7
Memory Card Number Tascam: CFCH File Name: 0394.wav
Memory Card Number Zoom H2: CFCH File Name: .wav
Date/Time: 7-2-16 4:15 pm 
Program: California 
Stage: Studio 
Group Name: Native California Song and Dance Traditions
Region/Style: Quechan, Kumeyaay

[[2 columned table]]
| Preston Arrow - Weed | Playwright, singer, educator, |
|                      | environmentalist              |
| Helena Arrow - Weed  | bi-lingual educator,          |
|                      | environmentalist              |
| Stan Rodriguez       | educator, linguist, singer    |
|Martha Rodriguez      | potter, basketmaker, tribal   |
|                      |                       singer  |

Contents/Notes (continue on back):
1. "The lightning song", a story about people who come from a mountain, travel south, back to the ocean, to the desert, all around. Preston intro'd the song and explained the beginning - a man travels, after a dream, and meets The Creator.
The song is a circle dance. 4 women from the audience volunteered to dance and sway w/ Marta, Helena, and Mountain daughter _____.
The men rhythmically shook [[?]].
Throughout, Preston described the narrative.

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