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Guzman communicates his thoughts on killings, Trump, etc. through his music - hip hop is a way to engage activism among young people
Bambu sees himself first as a community organizer, secondly as an artist; Community organizing has informed his music - "All art should be a reflection of yourself, and should translate a story... in the world of hip hop" - culture should influence art & represent your community, etc.
Guzman's music represents La huace (sp?), then [[strikethrough]] Mex [[/strikethrough]] Mixteco community then his city, Fresno, CA; lastly, himself - his songs are not an obligation, just a natural representation
Bambu's music represents all struggle in people of color - very careful not to use language of oppression - started representing gangs, then his community & CA while in the military - his music is constantly evolving - Encourages other artists to defend their music if they use language of oppression toward gender, sexual orientation, etc. - Gang issues need to be bridged through solidarity
Guzman sees drought as one of the primary struggles in CA, along with deportation/segregation
Guzman raps in English, Spanish, & Mixteco
Bambu raps in English & Tagalog - Important to connect through language - hip hop isn't so foreign to native Filipinos, when they hear Tagalog sprinkled in English songs
Guzman connects to other communities by switching languages in his music & rhyming his verses
Bambu has to use prison language in order to connect with youth in prison - Used to do anti-recruitment events at high schools "America" 
Guzman's "Carenas" translates to "chains" - chains holding back the community & desire to break through