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provence of navcera
Inguwucho (a family of dances done in two lines)
partners in 2 lines holding hands
-involves jumping & kicking in the partner's genral direction & skipping
in a circle snapping with the arms above one's head
-dancing interupted w.a drum roll at intervoles
Exit same as the enterence
 Dances done in festivals
-hopping w. sidesteps & kicking two waes are made
3rd generation Baton dance
-twirls the baton though his fingers
audience clapping to the beat tries a few tricks fails 4/5 times
-Circular w short steps & strides and turning
two dancing in the middle while others dance around them
steps are being called out much
like callies
Woo is cried out
Crowd participation
snapping w. arms above their heads
footwork & spinning
hands are limp when not snapping