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She places a spiritual emphasis on her music
She does not see her ethnicity as a disadvantage or advantage
she has experienced prejudice due to her ethnicity & gender
"Regardless of the genre of the music, if the spirit is pure, then there are seeds of spirituality planted."
"Low Leaf" was chosen to express that she is "still growing... & is just a note in the music of life."
"Music shouldn't be used to exploit [political] causes."
[[strikethrough]] Slightly [[/strikethrough]] influenced by The Beatles which she listened to on road trips when she was younger
Filipino culture has many cultural influences & is [[strikethrough]] stull [[/strikethrough]] still being redefined
Audience of younger Filipino Americans is most likely drawn to her electronic rooted music; however, older community probably enjoys her more traditional music
"Dreaming Awake" written for her father
Her music has "opened the right doors"
She sees herself probably going in a different direction with her music in ~ 5-10 yrs
Tattoos are inspired by 13 Mayan numbers representing the 13 tones of creation