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gaga Karapethian (sp?) Founder of Stare Ballet of Armenia worked w/ Entra Negh (sp?) ensemble in nyc- spends half time in Arm. , Italf time w/ this group. Transfer is happening between here & there and there to here. Founded Armenian dance group in DC area, 20 years ago. 

Learned from father & grandfather; Tonir hole is usually dug in the ground. Women are usually dancing while prepping lavash. For this festival The hole is higher than level of the earth.

From Ayntap, (sp?) famous town for special embroidery. Traditionally large table cloths, but as time the market changed people wanted smaller, wearable things

At first, Dance outfits for her troupe were very true to the original style of Armenian regions. These materials are not as comfortable to dance in as modern materials so reluctantly she uses those. Discussion of her great-grandmother's wedding press and how she came to obtain it. Inside cotton and outside silk. As she weat to iron it, she got to the cerems and a sudden smell of garlic and sweat erupted. This relative whom she doesn't even have a picture of was there with her in that moment! Dress is over 100 years old.

Tonirs not as popular these days but not dying.
Levon- Silk Road restaurant in Yerevan is a place where Tonir is now considered fashionable. Now it's considered trendy, for rich people, not as popular is rural areas.

Exchange amongst cultures of Otloman empire is keeping it alive. Cardyn is only teacher teaching traditional dances ia their most autheatic version, rather than scenic dances w/ other influences.

In soviet times, Russians sent dancers to republics to create new dances based on folk dances

The challenge is to preserve the past while still embracing evolution. Armenian- based groups who do traditional dance are influencing Armenian- American groups

Plug for "Intent to Destroy" Film about 19015 genocide.