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JUNE 27-JULY 1; JULY 4-8, 2018
LOGGER NAME: John McFarland and Stan Zimmerman
Recorder 1 Name: Foodways 1 File name: 0413.wav
Recorder 2 Name: Foodways 2 File name: 0042.wav
Presenter: Arianna Sikorski
Date/time: 1pm, 7 Jan, 18
Program: Armenia
Stage: Hatsatoun Kitchen
Group Name: 
Session Title: Preserving Artisan Dairy Production

Two column Participants and Instrument/Occupation

Susanna Safaryan / Presenter/Interpreter
Gayane Khachatryan / Cook

Arianna - recipes will be posted online (later). Need to translate and de-scope

5: Susanna - show only making of one type of cheese called "Chech-chee". make w/skim milk. Milk goat, then run through a skimmer. Lets skim milk sit overnight to sour. [[left margin]] In pot w/ salty water [[/left margin]] Then heat milk to 98.6, stirring. Test temp with finger. Sour. Feels warm but not a bite. Adds "rennit" Rennit?

Gayane - a dairy farmer, milking in morning, then making dairy products.

Susanna - Armenians start a meal w/ cheese and end with cheese. Stir hot milk w/stick and hands, starts to congeal from whey. Sit two days, then salt + store in cool place.

[Whistling is catalan fireworks on mall]

Whey is use to feed animals