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JUNE 27-JULY 1; JULY 4-8, 2018
LOGGER NAME: Ingeborg Holt
RECORDER 1 NAME: Hyurasenyak 1
FILE NAME: Hyura1_0111.wav
RECORDER 2 NAME: Hyurasenyak 2
FILE NAME: Hyura2_0435.wav
PRESENTER: Jim Deutch 
DATE/TIME: 7/8/2018 1 PM
PROGRAM: Armenia 
STAGE: Hyurasenyak
GROUP NAME: Co Creator of Armenia Program
SESSION TITLE: Creating Home 

[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| Levon Abrahamian | Co-Creator |
| Ruzanna Tsaturgan | Co-Creator |
| Satenik Mkrtchyan | Co-Creator |
| Halle Butrin | Center for Falkly & Cultural Heritage Co Creator |

What to present & how is difficult for research as researcher had some trouble switching to a curatorial role
Family & home as the sense in Armenia
Designed the outdoor space to be a deconstructed home with a hearth for baby made, rugs etc
How do people perceive Armenian-ism
How to take a country & make it engaging & remonstrative wanted diversity; different town men & women; engagement with diaspora
looking for people who could engage in multiple levels - crafts people who were also story tellers
get at a person & their strong & social center & were to build a global story
choose Syrian Armenian entertainers because of their story
Finding women to come from villages was difficult so searched for untraditional women who "eloped" traditional role Armenian government didn't have the resources that most countries offer when they are part of the festival
Grass roots fundraising was done & then the creative 

Transcription Notes:
& not +