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- Fava beans
  -blanch in boiling water with salt

- Filling
  - let rest for a few minutes
  - garlic for eggs, parsley, mint
  - refrigerate
  - olives
  - tomatoes
  - red onion [[image]]
  - fava beans
  - dried oregano

  - cut into shards

- Filo dough turnovers --> [[image]] wrap is a triangle
- Brush w/ butter
- Bake or panfry

- add red wine vinegar to salad

- Chive oil
  - Blanch chives. Shock in cold water.
  - Dry and blend with extra virgin olive oil

Feta cheese turnovers
summer salad with string cheese

[[left margin]] cheese foodie (string cheese turnover) [[/left margin]]

[[right margin]] [[2 images]] [[/right margin]]