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AS: composes song in Oxitan. To express and convey. The langague is getting lost with fewer + fewer speakers. Spoken in 14 valleys of Italian ALPS, in MONACO + southern france. Oxitan not allowed in French schools.
"It was the language of cows, not people"
If a child spoke Oxitan, given a piece of wood as a sign of shame. Next kids gets the wood. At end of day last holder of the wood is punished.

I became a militant to defend the language.

Presenter - SONGS
Pilar + Ivan - NW catalan. Ivan went home-to-home to rescue songs, 1800 recovered, "CANCO DE RECAPTA" "PERDIUETA NOVELLETA" song boy wants the hand of a girl, but is going into the army. Three girls, and would fake any of them. Social lore to tell local stories.

X: Separation between Valencia + Catalonia; All catalan speakers know the song. Crowd claps in time and some sing along. 

AS: from Pyrenees in Oxitor; crowd led in snapping fingers. Crowd gets a short chorus. 

Did French accept Oxitor in school? 
AS: Oxitor not recognized as an official language. In some public schools, Oxitor is accepted. It is not enuf to preserve a living language. 60 years ago they relaxed restrictions. 

Concluding song en masse. 

Transcription Notes:
& not +