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Jordi (Former Member of Castells Barcilona)
Women in incorporated in Folk culture, but some groups still don't admit women. Trying to change that. The groups change, but techniques change. Could be 100 kilo now we aluminum & other lighter materials, so more people can lift them/participate. Music is also where a women is really integrated. Human Towers is another example of where women participate - lighter women on top allow for higher towers to be built - up to 10 levels which is impossible w/ men. Men only towers till '80s, now 60% men, 40% women, most traditional teams have more men, more modern=women. Association = president (35% women) &  cap de Koya (sp?) = coach/leadership = less then 20%. So women are less represented in the roles that have real power (cap de Koya) in the human tower associations - participate but don't lead. 

In flower carpet world leadership = not as technical as in human towers, so no problem b/w men & women leading. Women want more leadership that takes time. She is president of local & Int'l federation, now that she's gained her place maybe now more questioned as a woman. 

In general, more frequent to share work between men & women. The VP of his association is a woman.

Cultural Association can be an example to demonstrate equality in the community overall. Women are fewer but just as strong. a woman can lift the head of dragon just as much as a man. One of the roles of federation is to be a role model for local associations. Same is true for integrating new people/immigrants into the group/society.

Though women leadership is increasing, we are just part of society. Women must show she can do it just as well and not make mistakes. Society sets the role of women, not popular culture. Women's persistence will allow them to move up, little by little. Difference between, Catalan & Spanish culture in general = one difference is Cats want to be organized, not the case in other regions. For example, Corpus Cristi festival, Cats' count every flower, in Spain & Itlay, you just use what you have. Only association in the world even more strict than Cats are Belgium. 

Diff = volunteerism spirit, not the same in Spain. 

Diff w/ Basque & Cats = Cats do activities all year, Basque don't meet all year. (Beasts, human towers, etc.)
Diff levels of Associations exist in Cat that don't exist in Basque or else were in Spain. (5 levels)
There is a document dedicated to help them to do their activities at the government level. 
Basque language is very different from Catalan.
Catalans are having a "big deal" over the idea of independence. Can't speak for entire federation.