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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

DAVID - play many concerts, mostly in summer,
Audience - LA PALOMA - most famous of the Habanera songs
SELVA - Here's an example of fusion, w/ Tango, w/swing - PERFORMS -
SELVA - Also in So. of Spain, with a taste of Flamenco, - PERFORMS -
DAVID - you started 5 years ago, 4 years started 1st concert, started w/ traditional songs But decided to break chains of tradition
Marta - Each of us wrote 2-3 songs, respective Patterns of Habanera & A BEAUTIFUL MIXTURE. In Sept, when we have less activity, we will finish it. 

David - take traditional tools and make into a modern work. Other Catalan artists are doing this

AUDIENCE - Play one of the new songs. 
MARTA - "Water Cries"    -Performs- 
Donna's is none of new pt - means "women"
and "waves" both. Songs about women and the sea.

MARTA - In Catalan have 2 words for anchovies 
  one for male and [[STRIKETHROUGH]] for [[/STRIKETHROUGH]] one for women. 
  male - "cetons" Female - "anxoretes" 

Almost every group ends w/ this song. And audience waves scarf, handkerchief, hats, wave.

-Performance- Audience participation w/ wave.