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Q +A

Presenter- It is very popular in CATALONIA to come to dances as families.

Q-Origin of "Stick Dance"-
A-LLuis CALDUCH Ramos:  Sticks are a way of mimicking swords

A Probably Some roots of BALKAN COUNtRies in CATALAN Dance.  Speaker is Maria de les Neus PASCUAL JANE

[[left margin]] *title shoes bells

DANCE #5:  CASCAVELLS   , an old traditional dance, with bells around the right ankle.  Once this dance was only for men; now both genders dance. traditional dance shoes: ESPARDENYA  CloSED-ToE SANDALS tied around ankle with string.  Dance is a march, two concentric circls; both march in same direction 12X;  then reverse direction.  Then form a bridge with partner; step and out 12X in sets of three; then swing partner by right hand 6x; then by left hand 6x.

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Partners face off holding both forefingers up, backs of hands facing Presenter says this is a dance to pray for rain for the rice.
One partner takes 3 steps toward other, bows; takes 3 steps back, dances in a crossing skip step, right-left-right.

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2 lines face each other; clap 1-2, 1-2-3 (4x);
Partners skip between the lines, take place at other end.  All crouch, then rise