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Ivan is giving dance instructions. 

Dance right forward, left forward repeat & pause 
2 people walk in circle, walk fast then slow
right/left repeat
people clap and walk fast in circle
people pair facing each other
left and right
join hands walk in circle, holding hands

Ivan join playing his instruments

NEXT DANCE: Ivan instructor: Indiot de la Seu
couples dance - pairs in two
1. point right toe and heals - point left, right, left 123 
2. walk forward 123
walk back 123
3. walk in a circle / Walk anti clockwise

*"Gralla" / woodwind instruments
- Ivan and the presenter explain the instruments
- Ivan blows into the instrument
- Ivan blows into the head

SONG: Talo - Punta Pobellò
NEXT DANCE: Dance with 2 ribbons each partner have a ribbon in hand
1. Long in the eyes then look away - turning your body
2. move in a circle.
3. orange couples go under the green
4. green couples go under the orange. In the beginning couples are [[?]] in a circle orange and green. 

Couples Dance: make a big circle
Song: Ballot Montanya 
Step 1. Male partner goes inside the circle, free form
Step 2. Groups of four: move right and then left then look at your partner, then at the other partner (left and right), holding hands
Step 3. right step left step - change 1st couple 2 couple right step and left and orange change partners, walk in a circle. 
Repeat Step 1 "Pass-ho bé"