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JUNE 27-JULY 1; JULY 4-8, 2018
LOGGER NAME: Dave Beoserman/ Paul Mostuh
RECORDER 1 NAME: Ateneu 1    
FILE NAME: 494.wav
RECORDER 2 NAME: Ateneu 2     
FILE NAME: 93.wav
PRESENTER: Merittell Mzvih [?] Peudo         
DATE/TIME: 7 July 18 300
PROGRAM: Catalonia            
STAGE: Ateueu Exch
GROUP NAME: Investing Culture 
SESSION TITLE: Creative Enterprise: Reinvigorating Culture w/ New Generations 

[[2 columned table]]
| Miguel Grimes| Sculptor makes figures fez festivals image maker from olesa de Montserrant [?]|
|Pau Fernandez||Dresses for dancing + festivities|

Miguel- Simplicity rather then emotion 
1. Tradition- not ashes but live fire
Makes help sense for today- but take time 
To give it value 
Everything has already invested so we reinventing is 
2. studied [?] [?] restored paintings.
Then theater group -> costumes for stage 
Then did school - sculpture 
Then did stage sets-> Back to school-> puppets -> street Gidat threads
fire works: Very old ritual theater
He also did public theater - not jort dresses
He seen traditional as theater + changes shows some of his dresses (pictures) 
Costumes for "Traditional" Dances Paul + dot. Lot of research. Mythical Boasts
-about die the wiz at- what excited? 
Then I begin to work
He is buckling a donkey/mule for the forward