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(3) this dance require the use of noise maker on there ankles
Make a circle and move to there right. stomp there feet 12 time and turn around. Turn to each other and then hold party hand and turn around. 
at end of dance stroke the right leg and shake.  
A. The history of them with the index finger point up in the air and standing in sinple line group one group two is the ofther line.
One, two, three step forward and hop, hop, hop with fling in the air. Right foot hop - left foot hop Back!

(5) Baston - Stick dance like the Morris dance
the stick are use to tick the group the stick are use to stick one other partner stick one at time right, then both, then left.

Start middle - Right - middle - left middle Right at same time you are stuck stick of person in front you after seven stick you turn to your right and dance you are hopping. 


(6) Light Dance