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                         Taiko cont.

1           2
Attitude + chi (energy)

Kata =
How to stand – Maximum energy w/o overpowering
Musical Technique
Bache = drumsticks Hexuon -> Bache -> Drown

2 Audience Volunteers
Relayed belly, open heart
Don = Lead / haul
3u = soft | 3u Gu= 2 small sounds

#4 Hatijo (Small Island - of exile)
Similar to west coast Japanese Removal
into concentration camps

#5 Playing 2 Drums
Move from Drum to Drum
In a dance
[[2 images]]

Both sides
(can feel it into body)
[[2 images]]

Tummy - 1 head higher than the other
Smaller drums - Tighter Rope

Spreo: usually Linga (Than 1648)
usually 8 Member not Juan