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Sounded like Eh Eh Eh (!). Bird planted seed in her so tree could grow. Tree grew big w/ many branches. Too avoid floods & fire animals went up the tree in pairs. One of the most important animals was a [[seset]] frog. During a hot mud flood frog measured hardness of mud w/a stick.
As Frog dropped stick from high above stick called were (janza MSP) sunk for years. [[Strikethrough]] Finally [[/strikethrough]] Sometimes people fell or fought and sunk in meud. Tree swayed to help drop them.
Much time many years. People still could grow food.
Many years later stick sank but didnt sink. ground getting harder. Many yearrs later the stick bounced! All could leave the tree!! big celebration from all the birds leaving tree.
People animals & birds very happy running far away. Some found areas not solid yet and sank. 
The Wachieeri people's population started to sink [[strikethrough]]seth[[/strikethrough]] and decline. Other people [[strikethrough]]coton[[/strikethrough]] foreigners new to stay close to tree and their population grew larger than Wachieeri
As population got smaller traditions started to be lost. Sharing helps them (and us?) recall the old stories/traditions.
Song: Thanks
Q: how long ago did this happen? A: Grandfathers said it was long, long, long ago.
Q: Story real or not: A: Generally true, but parts [[striketheough]]may be [[/strikethrough]] are made up