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When european colonists came to new country, they prevented [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]]the natives from practicing their customs
They have power to defend themselves and their culture. When they were oppressed by the european colonists, many people [[strikethrough]]sought[[/strikethrough]] sought to [[strikethrough]]flee, which [[/strikethrough]] leaver, which is why their culture became so widespread
To be a young [[strikethrough]]yong[[/strikethrough]] person recovering their language [[strikethrough]]lang[[/strikethrough]] is a great source of pride
At first there weren't [[strikethrough]]vent[[/strikethrough]] a lot of young people interested, but they produced a video clip, which some youth saw and they became more interested after seeing it
Even older members don't speak their native language, so they started working on a dictionary to help preserve the language
When they go into their communities they refer to those that may not even be related to them by blood as grandfather ([[strikethrough]]abule[[/strikethrough]] abuelo)
There is a slight differentiation between how men and women talk so they modify the words [[strikethrough]]change the words slight[[/strikethrough]]
Their healers are called "ballon"?
[[strikethrough]]work sl[[/strikethrough]]
School is about to be closed because they don't have a budget