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June 24-28; July 1-5, 2015 
Log Sheet #1
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Townes + Fontana, Karfeld
Memory Card Number - TASCAM: CFCH 2 
File Name: 0269.wav
Memory Card Number - ZOOM H2: CFCH 
File Name: .wav
Presenter: Rodrigo Chocano  
Date/Time: 6/28/15
Program: Music Across Generations  
Stage: Hablador
Group Name: Wemblers & Ballumbrosio
Region/Style: Peru, Narrative Stage

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Performer(s) | Instrument/Occupation |
| --- | --- |
| Miguil Bullumbrosio (MB) |   |
| (MS)[[strikethrough]]Misaia lmē / 
[[/strikethrough]] Misaél Sanchez|[[strikethrough]] Cumbrá [[/strikethrough]]
| Gelner Samchez (GS) |   |

Contents/Notes (continue on back):
[[left margin]] artists in Spanish followed by translation by presenter
Patterns Presented offers a ?. Each answers [[/left margin]]
1. Mig. Bullumbrosio - from Chincha, S. Peru. percussionist
2. Sanchez M The wembler music from the Amazon, musical family
3. Sanchez G Youngest of 5 "Wemblers"
4. MB: Wemblers are 1 of many who practice the tradition "tap dancing"
5. MB: Father peasant/musician, tradition was family - transmitting the tradition to keep 
6. alive.
7. ¿How is the tradition transmittes? MS: 5 brother - children & grandchildren = "musical 
8. dynasty" instruments - bass guitar, drums need other instruments
Columbian Cumbro & Peruvian music blended
Amazon roots - music is unique.
GS: I am a drummer. [[strikethrough]]Co[[/strikethrough]] Regional but expanded to other genre.
Music from Wemblers need more research.