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¿How can we keep this music for future generations?

MB- importance at wk shops & classes for children
Not to make it commercial but to keep the musical tract,
currently no financial support from government
Innovation must be related to the roots

MS- mentioned musical academes for kids - shared rythm  characteristic of "Wemblers"

GS- Music of Wemblen / people in mid of jungle & isolated from rest of the country) Makes it difficult to disemmimate - cultural heritage [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] recognized for 10 yrs. (around for 40)  

Audience question:

¿Why is it important that you don't lose your roots?

MB: tract is important for education, to gather people & community together

MS: Educ. from home includes the music
* GS: I believe forgetting your roots is declaring your own death

¿Now did you manage (Wemblers) to keep this all going? c
MS- They are not full time musician. Family member have other jobs
They are not dependent on $ from the bands
Bands: wk end wk. music is supported by other jobs 
GS- Transmission is within the family core.
Family is important for providing instruments
They are not commercially active
* culturally active