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-Men hunted boki-chica fish. Demo of arrows (numerous arrows in [[?]] repetoire), specific arrow used to kill boki-chica.
-This is traditional practice but not as possibly anymore - dynamite fishing (by outsiders) has become common, today it takes 2-3 days to catch some # of fish that we used to be able to get in 1 morning, for ceremonies, maybe 3-4 dasy.
-Now we've created fisheries with help of NGOs, can't even use the arrows anymore. Even though I can't fish the way I used to, I'm gonna demo how I used to [Demo of stretching arrow in bow].
-My Iu area of Cosni Patna (sp?)and casco area, Peruvian government + other outside interests are inpinging on our resources. Even despite this, we will continue to make our bows + arros no matter what.
-He's moved that ppl in this festival are interested in who they are even more than ppl he meets in peru.
WANCHACO: Discussion of daily fishing life about 100 yrs ago. Dedicated to fishing + growing reeds in water. Life then was more healthy than now, many diff types of dishes, fish, steamed crab, algae. Today only available in restaurants. To fish crabs using a (Mochica which is a word in N. Peru) 5-7th century 
[demo of fishing crab trap] - use of juancekeyo (sp?) trapping in red boat lead weight 100 meters of net wlits own boat attached to it - idea is for line to be thrown out as far as possible. Also use muymuy (cockroach), pangostino, etc. as bait. All diff sizes of hooks are possible, depending on the area/type of fish. Same w/ nets paddles made out of - brava (bamboo) nowadays bought in stores. Faina de pesca (Faina = a community /group outing) is traditional but harder now w/ commercial fishing coming in. Bamoo to fish tool to repair nylon + nets Hard to find nylon anymore, now they use serda (sp?)