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No Log sheet for #4
JUNE 24-28; JULY 1-5, 2015
Logger/Videographer: Townes & Fontana, Karfeld
Memory Card Number-Tascam: CFCH
File name: 272.wav
Memory Card Number-Zoom H2: CFCH
File Name: .wav
Presenter: Holly Whistler
Date/Time: 6/28/15
Program: Fishing Traditions
Stage: Hablader
Group name: Wanchacp Wachiperi Fishing Traditions
Region/Style: Narrative stage Wachiperi & Wanchaco

[[2 columned table]]
| Performer(s) | Instrument/occupation |
| --- | --- |
| Angel Piminchumo  | Wanchaco- North Coastal Peru |
| Victor Dariquebe | Wachiperi-SW Peru |
| Sofia |   |

Contents/Notes (continue on back):
1. Wachiperi- N. of Cusco (1000 ft. in rainforest); used to live along
2. many diff. rivers; rubber boom bought many foreigners who enslaved
3. them, in 1948, smallpox epidemic wiped out 70% of population;
4. mission brought deforestation and forbade traditional practices
5. Wanchaco= reed raft builders (dating back 500 yrs)
6. Sofia discusses women's role in fishing traditions; hunted for
8. Barbasco plant; older men in charge of this plant. Hunters would collect and pound Barbasco root to river in order to temporarily paralyze the fish (30 minsorso). While paralyzed, women could gather fish in baskets w/ their hands. Then carry back to home and prepare different kinds of fish dishes, (women)
If not enough collected this way, men hunted them.
Food smoked or chunked up in bamboo cylinders of banana beef stoppers.