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June 24-28; July 1-5,2015 
Log Sheet # 2
Smithsonian Folklife Festival 
Audio/Video Log Sheet 
Logger/Videographer: Paul Motsuk/Savannah Powell 
Memory Card Number - Tascam: CFCH 
File Name: 278088.wav
Memory Card Number - Zoom H2: CFCH 
File Name: .wav
Presenter: Violet Cavicck
Date/Time: /July 15/ 1145
Program: PerĂº
Stage: Hablador
Group Name: Radio & Local Historie

[[2 columned table]]
| Performer(s) | Instrument/Occupation |
| --- | --- |
| Daun Gaviota Tello Morey |   |
| Jose Mauvel Huaymucari Tamani | Radio Vemanava Presenter |

Contents/Notes (continue on back):

1. Prog Sun Mornin 7-8 in Defending Kukama Language 
2. Many projects radio station. sing w/ Spanish-Cveomma lang. 
4. Radio station around many years, Worked 8 years. 
5. Defcolany so Spanish speakers learn of what goes on in villages.  Public Access Radio. Radio St. spreads news about villages and even people 
8. Unlike other station Radio U. help preserve cultured ident. and spreading knowledge of elders, local history, current environmental issues. A primary concern is saving language. is a student at Ikuari school learning C. language