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June 24-28; July 1-5, 2015  
Log Sheet #4
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Paul Motsuk/Savannah Powell
Memory Card Number - Tascam: CFCH
File Name: [[strikethrough]] 280 [[strikethrough]] 30 [[/strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] 280.wav
Memory Card Number - Tascam: CFCH
Date/Time: 7/1/15, 1:15
Program: PerĂº  
Stage: El Hablador

[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
(1) | Brus Rubio [[?]] | (hat) |
(2) | Leonardo Tello [[?]] |   |

CONTENTS/ NOTES (continued on back):
(1)1. Song! Welcoming to Conversation ("The Sun Has Arrived")
2. 5 communities share songs and agriculture (!?) goods
3. Much planting involved. People eat roasted cocoa 2 wks prior 
5. ages. One person "the [[?]]". Values to each village w/
6. package of goods important to the hosting village. This is the 
7. invite. 1 wk prior firewood etc collected. Household smell
8. like jungle at this point. All share goods displayed by [[?]]. Special yucca used as seditive for little [[strikethrough]] kids [[/strikethrough]] kids. Drums announce start of festival. Hosts exhausted day of fest. likely sleep 0600-1200. At start guests arrive w/  food gifts. Eat to Dance. Elders give stories and traditions.