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June 24-28; July 1-5, 2015
Log Sheet #6
Smithsonian Folklife Festival 
Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: [[strikethrough]] Greg Jacks [[/strikethrough]] Steven Bluestein
Memory Card Number-Tascam: CFCH 4 
File Name:0202.wav
Memory Card Number-Zoom H2: CFCH
File Name:_.wav
Presenter: Holly Wissler-ethnomusicalogist 
Date/time: 2:45 [[strikethrough]] June [[/strikethrough]] July 1, 2015
Program: Wachiperi [[strikethrough]] Archery [[/strikethrough]] men & women roles
STAGE: La Plaza
REGION/STYLE: Wachiperi Traditional

[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| Victario Dariquebe Jerewan | Community Leader |
| [[strikethrough]] Sergio Pacheco Hambeo [[/strikethrough]] | Healer |
| Sofia |  |

CONTENTS/NOTES (continue on back):
1. 80-100 people, 30-40 speak language
2. Man & Woman in probably traditional dress, tan singlepiece clothes w/ brown patterns
3. Archery- different arrows for different targets
4. tapir arrow- normal like small birds- three pronged wild dove- arrow w/ notch; lead in 1980
5. high flying birds- can shoot arrow up to 50 meters blunt arrow- specific fish, so don't damage meat
6. monkeys- monkey bone an end
7. bows- handmade, secropia tree is used for twine

before hunting traditions
fishing- women- gather barbasco root, grind, throw in river, paralyze fish,  float to trap, gather fish in "pisopeeko?" basket, while fishing carries baby.
carries baby in special container- back and sides tree trunk, string in front