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Last Q: Possible recover Ucamara identity?
A" Sure "to" cultural identity if people get together, interested, get involved
Real Q" What think about invited here SI & radio team?
A: Really grateful, made poss. story of people, culture, identity. She never thought this w/be possible. 
Q. What will you tell teacher & mates?
A: Hopes all hard work radio team does produces results soon." And here done hard work, not just here, in UDC, but back in (Alta?)
2. Danna: melodic voice, 20 visitors listening, song from Ucamara
2a. Duet w/ Danna and Maria (Ucamara-Peruvian "Rap) 
2B. layover-taped music---
3. Experiences of (U) language
Mrs. Maria last generation of native (U.) speakers
My presence, at first, shy, worry about (U) lang how suffering
Talking/pronouncing very different "b/c hadn't spoken English lang. in a very [strikethrough] long time. (U)have to be very courageuos us mixed race....
Q: How long (participate) radio A: Been 8 years (2007)
& promoting (U) language)
Q: What being part teaching, rep last of generation, imp in your life?
A: Her native lang., fear of disappearing, no longer part of this world 
Q:How many children are in school/study (U) lang.? A: A lot go to (U) classes, but depends on parents. Some stop from going/class.
Imp if other institutions also w/get involved 
Q: What afont effort that groups e.g.SI, bring (U) lang, issue here?
-transition song- "Fiesta in the Jungle"-
4 strong impact/economic projects of people in the Northern Peruvian Today
-Final transition "Fiesta in the Jungle"