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It takes 1500 people to bld. bridge
-> Incited w/ a ceremony
-> people coming from 4 different communities from districts of Cusco.
-> coordinate who brings what materials
  -> all grown in their own areas
-> Very joyous celebration as a community.
-> The builders also incorporate music
  -> traditional flut like instrament - Sample/play

[[underlined]]Back to - boats[[/underlined]] -> not a ceremonial occasion - only or more utilitarian we build when we need. Q - are sharks an issue? - Only small ones and they catch then and eat like other fish.

Back to bridge builders
-> Bridges rebuilt every year
-> only place where they still count on this type of bridge building.
Q] Pop. of Peru? - over 35 million.

All speakers very proud of their Peruvian heritage.
-> Machu pichu (sp?) - Great archilogical site
                      -> Many natural sites as well.
-> Chan-Chan archilogical site on the coast where boat building is from.
Clothing - they wear/are wearing is made of sheep and alpaca wool.