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[[underlined]]Nilda[[/underlined]] Background - 1st learned from Mother
then from elders 1st [[belt & shovels]]
Pre-Inca --
Began weaving 6-7 years old.
[[underlined]]Rosa[[/underlined]]= Began about 8 yrs old -- by grandmother
[[underlined]]Alfonso[[/underlined]]= full days drive from Luna.
Learned from his father -- Age 8-9 yrs. old
His father --> Traditional weaver
Specialization --> Enormous Tapestry
New technique introduced by his father around 1958 -> Very different from trad. tapestrys. 
--> Functional + very beautiful --> Wall hangings
Origin - Change from functional to decorative
up to 1950's - wanted to innovate the style wanted to re-intro Natural dyes (of Cusco)
Nilda + Rosa - reiterated the desire to return to me of natural dyes as well - traditional practices -> Re introduced during current generation then Mothers did not use Nat. dyes.
- Very work intesification - the consuming - less toxic - [up arrow] healthy -> Able to create may color w/ mixing of primary colors -> [[underlined]]Check out their booth.[[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]Alfonso[[/underlined]] - 
Full days drive from Cura
Learned from his father-age 8-9 yrs. old
His father -> Traditional weaver
Specialization -> Enormous Tapestry
New technique introduced by his father around
1958 -> Very different from trad. tapestrys.
-> Functional + very beautiful -> wall hangings
[Underlined In Margin] Tapestry Style.
Origin - [triangle shape] from functional to Decorative.
[Underlined in Margin] Landscapes Legends-stories evolution
up to 1950s-wanted to innovate the style. wanted to re-intro Natural dyes (of Cusco)
Nilda + Rosa - reiterated the desire to return to the use of Natural dyes as well-traditional practices.
-> Reintroduced during current generation their Mothers did not use Nat. dyes.

- Very work intestification- time consuming- less toxic - healthy -> Able to create many colors -> (underlined)Check out their booth.

(Underlined) Alfonso-

[[underlined]]Colors[[/underlined]] -> they use many of the same colors + and many other variations + formulas.
- colors from plants - to bugs - to urine!

[[underlined]]Identity[[/underlined]] - Rosa - When you look @ our clothing its a statement "Im from Chinchhero". young proper want brought colors as you age -> less
Primay -> see lots of Red in garmets - popular/single
[[female symbol]]