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decided to expand lettering & graphic designs into a recognized urban art form
Bris Rubio -Bona & Iquiqito- artist in traditional Amazonian techniques, usually focusing on cultural myths; currently living in Lima & trying to find a way to introduce these traditional methods into urban art scenes (in Lima)
Surprised about city people's views about the Amazon, i.e. - full of snakes & naked people
In this effort to synthesize his cultural & historic knowledge, he often puts city scenes (i.e. large monuments) in his traditional paintings
Also spent time bringing forward traditional, harmonic healing methods and generally trying to give city people the idea that peopls from the jungle have unique ideas & are also looking at city folks in an anthropological out look 
The idea that a Bora artist such as himself can have art in large galleries is [[democrazation?]] in action. Some of his work is controversial with folks in the status quo; once a gentleman wanted to buy one of his paintings simply to destroy the painting & its disturbing message
[[left margin]] MONKY [[/left margin]] seen much [[image]] in the urban art scene & how his work is viewed by the art world. He has also made changes in his materials & message. 1st used natural colors, then moved to psychelic colors & then, as a reaction to the economic crisis in the 1990's, he started adding the faces of the bana members to remind people about the trials of every day people including banas. 
[[left margin]] Elliot Tupac [[/left margin]] Since 2010, focused on street art, and the messages it conveys (including the idea that it's actually created on the street.) Current mayor of Lima decided to paint over large urban art works. This has [[strikethrough]] focused more [[/strikethrough]] caused people to pay more attention to his types of art & its' message. Currently working with the university & being paid in the form of paint & supplies. he uses these to teach art to children in poorer neighbors.
Q&A - How is urban art different in Chile, Brazil, etc.? All artists are unique; but use of color is often noted in Peruvian artists & Peruvian artists are not hesitant to portray controversial topics.