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June 24-28; July 1-5, 2015
Log Sheet #3
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Dave Bosserman 
Memory card number - Tascam:CFCH
File Name:Plngd-.216-7.wav
Memory card number - Zoom H2:CFCH
File Name: .wav
Presenter: Nilda Emily  
Date/Time: 7/3/15 12:30
Program: Peru 
Stage:#4 La Penga
Group Name: CTT C
Cooperative J Weavers 10 groups around cosco
Region/Style: Alpaca Blessing Ceremony

[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| Wenren Cooperative | Ceremony/Weavers |
| Tinotea Cenvita Sacnea |   |
| Damion Hunman Nojonero |   |
| Rosa Beandeth Pumnyalli Qurpe |   |
| Leanden Gutierez Gallo |   |
| Delia Gallo Hunumtn Angol Ligorio Advares |   |
| Quitian Hunan Quapo |   |
| Epitania Choque Quipe |   |

Contents/Notes (continued on back):
1. Demonstrating the whole process of weaving in the next tent [?]
2. Today they present the Ceremony of the Blessing oof the [[?]]
3. Welcoming Ceremony : Mother Earth, spirits, ancestors for fertility to Alpacas + much wool all go off to the alpaca aura + the ceremony 12:50
Huge crowds around the alpaca enclosure + the two long mats where the ceremony is going on - see previous
*see ceremony notes from last Friday
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