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JUNE 24-28; JULY 1-5, 2015         
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Ben Capistrano
Memory Card Number-Tascam: CFCH
File Name: Plaza 218.wav
Presenter: [[strikethrough]] Fabiana [[/strikethrough]] Holly Whistler
Date/Time:7 /3/15
Program: PerĂº
Stage: #4 La Plaza
Group Name: Wachiperi Community
Region/Style: Arms [[?]] / Archery

[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
* | Victorio Dariquebe Gerewa | * > hunting & fighting practices |
* | Odette Marlid Ramos Dumas | * |
| Ady Margot Ninantay Yonaje |   |
| Marisabel Dumas Ramos |   |
| Sofia Solisonquehua Unfamay |   |
| Sergio Pacheso Hambeo |   |

CONTENTS / NOTES (continue on back):
1. Wachiperi-ameyan region
2. 70% wiped out by small pox when roads were built
3. - when mission came- people fled -
4. 80-100 - current number - working hard to keep & pass traditions on.
5. Victor & Odette - showed different 
6. - different arrows used for different animals. fishes/fishing
7. Victor points out that they went discriminately.
8. Odette - role women play in fishing; showing basket she use when hunting / fishing - they use benlasco (root) - they gather and - throw into river main fish effect lasts short time - so they. Covert tip as quickly as they can = barbasquial[?]- gig fishing expeditions- only one out twice a year- for big family occasions- [?] engagements -> demo - done in archery area- Victor- shot difft. turn around  

[[note]] Bashet = usupo 2:45 [[strikethrough]] 3:30 [[/strikethrough]] [[/note]]