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Maya = Net
Net Needle to repair nets

Victor - Wachiperi
First Wachiperi, then Spanish, then English
Last day here- go home tomorrow

Fishing: Dam the river w bamboo
Group fishing (when we had an abundance of fish - not now)

(1) Bow & arrow
(2) Barbasco - poisonous root - stung the fish 
things have changed - outsiders - dynamite fishing ~1/2 hr
-Mining [[strikethrough]] or[ [/strikethrough]] pollution

we brought Bows & arrows for demon situation
for fish - Very Long arrow -
Bocochicho fish - white fish - very broad
walk slowly along the river looking for fish
Get very close

Song of Alegrica (Jon) after catching a lot of fish
Q How long does net fishing take
A Leave the net 1-2 days (over night till the next afternoon)
But some are stolen

Q Government support of local traditions?
A - We can [[strikethrough]] Report S [[/strikethrough]] report stolen nets - But nothing happens
 - Promises but nothing happens