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Finely cuts the fish up. Usually cut in squares.
There is also a style of cutting, like sashimi, in long strips.
Only the shrimp are being fried.
Meat isn't firm. Is hard to cut. Lime used in South America.
Can use tilapia too.
Ceviche is a quick dish.
Many products available for Peruvian cooking, including African fusion ingredients.
Lots of produce to work with.
There are special grasses and greens in indigenous to Peru.
Potato spaghettis are in the fryers.
Peruvian ceviche has changed.
Other Latin countries cook ceviche at night.
Peruvian ceviche is almost raw. Cook time is very short.
Get the ceviche crispy on the outside.
You can get trout in Peru.
Japanese tradition for fish has influenced the ways Peruvians prepare their ceviche.
You can get it smoked.
José is from a coastal/mountainous area. Combination of mountain and coastal food.
Potato spaghetti is crisped in a bundle.
Does he cook in his own restaurant or direct the cooks?
José works in a micro-restaurant in Chicago too.
José found opportunity for a place of his own in Baltimore.
He owns a micro-restaurant, with only 16 seats.
Everyone watches the chef cook and it's a casual, intimate dining experience.
His restaurant is the 1st of it's kind in Baltimore. First micro-restaurant.
For one order of ceviche, 1-2 lemons needed.
Don't squeeze the lime too much, it adds bitterness.
Don't step on the lime to soften it for squeezing.
Add 1/2 TBSP salt.
The broth is called "Tiger Milk", a broth/juice with tons of flavor.
Add finely sliced ginger.
He flattens and pounds the yellow pepper to break the fibers.
It loosens the oils and fibers of the pepper.
Add coconut milk, Thai kind. Fresh cilantro. Quick mix in lime juice.
Citrus quickly cooks.