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Notes: -peppercorns add a wonderful taste & fragrance 
-noodles can also be boiled or fried 
-dumplings can have hundreds of variations & shapes
-can be frozen 4 or 5 days & then cooked frozen 
-demonstration of various shapes 
[[left margin]] Recipe notes [[/left margin]]
-dumplings are a circular food often eaten with family 
-1st day of New Years- eat steamed dumplings 
-30th day of New Year- eat boiled dumplings 
-serving round+square shaped dumplings together indicates heaven+earth together- symbolic of peace & good fortune 
-dumplings served in a soup are considered "wet" dumplings; dumplings explain or w/a sauce can considered "dry" dumplings 
-alt. fillings - pork, eggs, beef, tofu