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11. Lot of Love Between the two countries - common link - cultural identity
12. Also, Lots hate- Japan (1845-1948)RULED (Colonizer) TAIWAN(Special Red Cities)
13. TAIWAN - Has Japanese and  [[??BRITISH??]] Influence Puppet Theatre - Relationship - China & Taiwan
14. Homeland of- Great Ponticut - [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[//strikethrough]] Near Taiwan Strait
15. Taiwan has [[??]] until (Hung Dynasty check spelling) 300-400AD
16. Mass Migration (Sung Dynasty) Late 900 AD - Ming Dynasty 1644
17. Major Seaport in the World - Boat go to Taiwan to be replenish with [[??]]
18. Taiwan Occupied by Spanish & Portuguese (at the [[??]])
19. Great Heron - Chase Away Spanish - defeated Spaniards
20. Great Heron - Developed Islands of Taiwan- (Carry over traditions and celebrate them (K) (K) Province (F - check spelling) [[?]]
21. 23 million+ people (population)- 26% came from[[??]] Language spoken (Ming___) Southern Ming Dialect 
22. Temples, diety-Gods they worship are the same
23. Taiwan & [[strikethrough]] Provice [[//strikethrouhg]] (K) Province are the same cultural ( Along Yellow River Original Civilization)
24. Cultural Sphere - Along Yellow River to Taiwain
25. Communication - Puppet Theatre - Mouthy - Basis- Hand hold puppets original in (F___ Province)
26. Training - for Art of Puppetry - F__ __Province
27. 1992- Head of Puppet Theatre - Music is Different - Puppet Theatre to Accompany Dance in Show
28. Bolivians Coexist in peace and collaborate
29. 60 Years of Separation - There have been some differences
30. Taiwan [[??]]-[[??]] 4 little Dragon [[??]] - China's Cultural Revolution
31. Taiwanese (Ming) Languages

Transcription Notes:
lots of words are hard to read