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Paper cutter asked - How have things changed
(not honoring to revert to honoring traditions)

- Practices regarding traditions ex symbols & art that are part of festivals. 
- Door birds for spring festival to scare away hungry ghosts
- kitchen good - reserve foods sweets
- 5th day of N. yr. a greet god of prosperity 
- in Modern China people are becoming more please & are superstitious

How is lunar calendar put together?
- based on moon phases
- each yr. 340 days
- additional month makes up extra day
- 2014 ? 9th moon in Oct
- Yes with 13 moon leap month; yrs of chase. It is okay then to make ? early,

Before day break, ? blends - burn incenses & greet god of prosperity

To plan for future you must know the season - Knowing longest day & longest night is critical. They mark Spring/Fall equinox & Summer/Winter Soloistic

Sub-season are linked to the sun & have interesting names "Big Chill, Little Chill, ? awakening" Spring comes, winter comes - little snow - big snow each approx. 15 days

Solar ? - numerology is important in China

Birthday - maybe celebrated on lunar & solar dates
 .lunar more prominent in rural areas solar days used more often in cities.