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Puppet not supported by government but by the public
-Entertainment - performance
Note Natural? - anytime, any location
Chinese Opera
Four Types: Chapter types in plays
2. Ritual
3. painted face - bravery
4. clown or Female clown
-Raw Lion Journal: search for husband
Drunk Joan [[Quiet?]] ugly men-portrait-
-Anti corruption
-Anti deeds
Questions from Audience
-What kinds of puppets? String? [[?]]?
Answer - strings-Noah- string puppets have all features-fingers - legs-movement
Audience - How many puppeteers per puppet? Nora ask? -answer- 2 puppeteers per puppet
Questions: Audience: Where do you train puppeteers? Panilist - art school, all the degrees
Audience: What is the future of the theatre? schools
Audience: schools supported by government? yes, cultural heritage is supported