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We're demoing embroidery, dyes, patterns, how to decorate.
[[Miss?]] [[Rose?]] 16 different needlework, some more than 2,000 yrs old. Also silver, esp earrings. For weddings, bride needs 20-30 pounds of silver. To demonstrate wealth & background. Houses - [[?]]- 1st floor for livestock. People live on 2nd.

Q: Did you say religion A (Li) Region

Q: (to Chong) Clothes- patterns & meanings
A (Wong) Background. Chong from NW part of China, nomads, migrated to SW - Szichan [[strikethrough]] a p [[/strikethrough]] average altitude 2.800 m. Temp drops sharply at night. We're wearing summer clothes. Still warm enough for night cold. Wool. They're wearing performance clothes.
A (Young) 2 main clothes for Mio-formal & field workings. Formal - funerals, welcome-far-away guests. Ordinary girl, only 2 days to wear formal clothes: wedding, funeral.[[strikethrough]] Now onl [[/strikethrough]] only use natural fibers. No manmade fibers.

Q was tourism reason to wear formal clothes for visitors?
A (Yong) (lots of words, but 'yes')

Q (Li & chong bros) What changes for tourists?
A (Wong) Want to show visitor most beautiful clothes. In field, we wear wool, sheepskin, very tight socks in mountains. [[strikethrough]] Used [[/strikethrough]] clothes as umbrella. Vest at night works as quilt.

Q (ardins) How do 56 people fit into national identity? Who visits? Effect [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] on national culture?
A (Wong) Process is forceful even in my own remote. Young people don't learn [[strikethrough]] ol [[/strikethrough]] customs & want to go work in cities. Our singing won silver in national contest. We decided to preserve. Trad clothes hard to make, wear. In villages, still speak chong, herding cattle, drinking contests.
A (Yong) We as ordinary people are preserving. Also classes. He taught botanic dying. Idea to make modern clothes, tools using [[strikethrough]] modern trad of[[Resjete?]][[/strikethrough]] trad patterns.
A (Lue) He had little schooling, so didn't learn culture. He wants more young people to learn, have access,

Transcription Notes:
& not + trod = trad