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Now 5 diff styles.
Chen is moving slower but will explosive. both left & hold
Yong- much softer, no explosiveness, more continuous
Wu- body looking more forward on front leg. Straight line-body & back leg.
Sun ? focused on
foot follows
hand - open & closed
There are most popular. also new styles
Benefit. Good health. Regiment: no tension in body. Relax mind.
Modern has lots of stress. Relaxing repeating is good.
(Demo) Basic posture - stand w arched back.
(Demo of first tai-chi movement)
Doing this simple technique repeatedly increases lung capacity & overall health.
Doing footwork increases senior's balance. so avoid falling.
Core from western doctors after 1 yr study.
In trad med, 12 meridian, 183 points. This stretch & stimulation.
Q (Aud) Health effects of other martial arts
A Definitely. Shi-chou(?) Shi-d? is more explosive, so strength & health important.
Q (Aud, in Chinese) talk about standing posture & benefit. What do use it
A: Quiet down mind, regulating breathing, prepare mentally.
Q: Is tai-chi good for arthritis.
A: (very long answer in Chinese) My students stories are very low. They started early. In others, start high & gradually go low as you gain strength